Feb 12

Death, Heaven and Ketchup

Posted under Clara and Libby, Gideon and Grace - My babies in Heaven by MicheleP.

One thing that has been different about this anniversary of Gideon and Grace’s birthday is that I’ve felt a strong burden to share more of their story with Libby and Clara. We have shared briefly on a couple of occasions but I don’t think any of it “stuck” with them. In fact, I’m pretty sure if you asked either girl about Gideon or Grace, you would be met with a blank stare.

So last night over a dinner of Puerto Rican* style Chinese takeout, we explained a little more about what the day meant and why it was special. After a fairly detailed discussion about a brother…a sister…sickness…death…Heaven…and dogs (because anytime the subject of death and Heaven come up, so do our dead dogs) the girls sat quietly, simply taking it all in. After a few more seconds, we asked,

“Girls, do you have any other questions?”

To which Clara responds,

“Mom – can I have more ketchup?”

And so it seemed that with that, our deep discussion was complete and the ketchup was passed.
Until later that night.

A little before bedtime, Clara climbed in my lap, wrapped her arms around me, put her head on my chest and said, “Mama, I miss my brother and sister. I wish I could play with them.” I held back the tears as I held her tight. “Me too, sweetie. Me too.”

*Puerto Rican style Chinese – in addition to the usual (non-authentic) Chinese food, you also get papas fritas (french fries) and tostones (fried plantains) with your order. Hence the requirement of ketchup in case you were wondering.


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Dec 29

In which I attempt to catch up

Posted under All in the family, Around the house, Church, Clara and Libby, Life, School by MicheleP.

I keep thinking “Today I’m going to update the blog”… and then as I’m drifting off to sleep I realize my good intentions were just that. Instead of back-blogging, I’m going to give you the past month in laundry (at least some form of laundry is getting done) format (and for Mimi, some pics!)

My Birthday Week – this really deserves much more than a bullet – not just because it was my birthday week, but because my husband went totally and completely out of his way to make the day week special. I had 7 full days of birthday celebrations and presents complete with flowers, special meals, awesome gifts (hello new pink ipod) and even a Saturday morning all to myself with nothing but a box of Lucky Charms to keep me busy. It was: Blissful!Lucky Charm Mama

The girls had their Christmas program at school. Actually – it was much more than just a Christmas program. In addition to the standard Mary, Joseph, Angels & Baby Jesus we had many colorful butterflies as the little girls showcased their ballet “skills”. I guess it’s just easier and more economical to have the ballet recital alongside the Christmas program.

Butterflies 2

The girls also were in a Christmas program at church. However, no butterflies at this one.
Little stars

We got to see Santa
Santa on his sleigh
Meeting Santa

We hosted a visitor from Texas. He was by far the easiest guest we’ve had to date.
Libby and Stan

We had some special family times reading the Christmas story each night and making many yummy treats
Christmas crafts with Papa

The girls could hardly sleep the night before Christmas and were thrilled the next morning to find that Santa did indeed come to Puerto Rico!
New babies
A new dollhouse

And there you have it. Bring on 2009!!


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Nov 20

Clara’s turn

Posted under Around the house, Clara and Libby, Life, Puerto Rico, Sights & Sounds by MicheleP.

I posted a video of Libby a few days ago. We asked Clara to sing a Spanish song too but she wasn’t really interested. Instead, she sang about princesses. Imagine that?

If you listen carefully, you will hear a few things in the background…

1) Libby eating chips and 2) the sound of the coqui frogs. The frogs? Charming. The chip cruncher? Not so much.

YouTube Preview Image

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Nov 19

Wordless Wednesday: La “piñesta”

Posted under Clara and Libby, Life, Lost in translation, Puerto Rico by MicheleP.


Ok – so not quite “Wordless”…

One of the girls asked if we were going to have a piñesta at their party.

“A what?”

“A piñesta”

Puzzled look on my face

“You know. That thing with candy at a fiesta. A piñesta”

And now a new word has been coined at our house. Part fiesta…part piñata. La piñesta. Me gusta!


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Nov 18

A parade…of sorts.

Posted under Clara and Libby, Life, Puerto Rico, Sights & Sounds by MicheleP.

Today was another field trip day for the girls - library story hour followed by pizza at a local shop. As we were getting the kids ready to leave, we heard some drums outside. As we looked out, we saw a marching band – complete with many different types of drums and baton twirlers in sparkly outfits. Tomorrow is a holiday here (Discovery of Puerto Rico) and so I assumed it was some sort of celebration for that. I was just about to reach down and grab my camera for a few photos when I noticed something.

No one was smiling. In fact, most of the drummers had tears streaming down their cheeks. I was puzzled for a minute and then as I saw the next group in the “parade” I realized…this wasn’t a parade at all.

A black hearse followed the drummers. And behind that a white casket was being pushed on a gurney. A crowd of friends and family followed – openly grieving.

No, this wasn’t a parade. It was a procession. A funeral procession. I turned to my friend and we both said, “Oh. It’s a funeral.”

Clara overheard me. “What’s a funeral, Mom?”

And so with chaos all around me I tried to quickly explain what a funeral was – that someone had died and that they were celebrating their life. I don’t think she understood. I have a feeling, I’ll be answering more questions about funerals…and death tonight.


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Nov 15


Posted under Baby Logic, Clara and Libby, Life by MicheleP.

My Libby has a style all of her own. She is always making up some new costume or look. I just love her creativity sometimes!

Here is a sampling of some of her creations.

Here she is at a birthday party where we were supposed to come in costume. We have a zillion princess dresses but she wanted to be a “Super Hero” and came up with this costume all on her own. (Clara was Dora)[photopress:teeter_totter.jpg,full,pp_empty]

One day she wanted to wear her hair like one of her friend’s at school and insisted on as many “ponies” as I could get in it(and yes, she did go to school like this)[photopress:crazy_hair_libby.jpg,full,pp_empty]


Here she is declaring that she was ready to go to the store (and I let her wear the boots but insisted on something besides pajamas ;) )

And finally – here she is pretending to be one of our favorite people… Ms Krystal from KC:)[photopress:Dress_up_Krystal.jpg,full,pp_empty]

Oops – I’ve been corrected. The last picture was Clara…not Libby. I was going to change it but figured several of you would get a giggle out of the fact that I – THEIR OWN MOTHER – got them mixed up ;)


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